TestRunner is used to run Kernel Tests using the tests at a specified location and can run each kernel in multiple targets to ensure full compatibility and stability accross these targets.
TestRunner generates a result file upon completion to detail the results of the tests.
Get Started
To use the TestRunnner open the Test.sln
, set the Target Project to Cosmos.TestRunner
and run the solution.
Edit the configuration for TestRunner via DefaultEngineConfiguration.cs. in ..\Tests\TestRunner\TestRunner.Core This allows one to choose which emulator to use and at what level the kernel is debugged.
To select which Test Kernels to run, edit GetStableKernelTypes()
in TestKernelSets.cs
Adding a Kernel
To add a kernel to the TestRunner, open the TestKernelSets file and add a line to GetStableKernelTypes() like this line:
yield return typeof(Cosmos.Kernel.Tests.Fat.Kernel);
Note: This can be used to test your own kernel for debug purposes. Add your kernel to the Test solution, add a project reference to your kernel to Cosmos.TestRunner.Full and add the kernel to the TestKernelSets list.
You will also need to modify the .csproj file by removing the platform line. You also need to replace the nuget references with references to the actual projects (System2, Core etc) and import the /Tests/Kernels/Directory.Build.targets
file. If you are still faced with the .refs file not generating, comment out the Cosmos related parts of the csproj.
Time Out
To set the period before the TestRunner registers an error, change the line: engine.AllowedSecondsInKernel = 1800;
This means that, in this case, if the Kernel runs for more that 30 minutes then it will register a failure.
Project Location
The TestRunner Projects are located in ..\Tests\TestRunner
Last updated on 9 December 2022.